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Bad blood

A boy I am dating (but phasing out because, well, you'll see) once said to me that menstruation is the body's way of getting rid of bad blood. What the Fuck is bad blood and where the fuck does it come from? If my body creates bad blood then so does yours and if my body can purge it then where the fuck is all your bad blood going? Probably to your fucking brain. I mean seriously why are men like this created? How is this mindset created?

I tell you how. Let me paint a picture of what it would have been like to be a menstruating woman in his household. For a week, every month, I would have to hide away from all the males in the house, as if I was dirtied by this natural process happening to me and that I was spreading some pollutants in to the precious man’s space. I will not be allowed to look, touch or speak to them because I am bleeding out of my vagina. The very thing that he fantasizes about licking out every night. Spunking over memories of him fucking the very hole I am now bleeding out of. I would not be allowed in the kitchen to cook the food that the men would eat in case my menstruating pheromones poisons their delicate disposition. 

Now, don't get me wrong. I am not accusing all indian men of being bought up in a household like this. But this guy I'm seeing - that was his reality. Our systems are designed to create this reality. Our social system meant that a mother believed she should bring her daughter up to feel ashamed of something she has no control over. She believed it was okay that her sons would view their mother, sister, wife and potential daughters as untouchable during this natural time of their life. Is that okay?

There is the optimistic hope that it all started with good intentions. Maybe it started off as women should not be required to anything during their period. They should be resting and men should just go easy on their demands and asking stupid questions. Maybe it started off as a sacred time for women just like when deities in temple are hidden during certain ceremonies. And then men obviously didn't feel so special so obviously they had to make it all about them and now here I am secretly bleeding while handling cramps during rush hour and then this asshole telling me I should suck it up because I've got bad blood I need to get rid of. 

So what was the point of me throwing this out into cyber space? I guess before I started writing this out I hadn't even given a thought as to why his mother thought she had to maintain these beliefs she grew up with. Yes, best case scenario its a classic example of good intentions gone wrong. But we need to know what were the set of circumstances that lead to a mother creating a son who believes periods are a dirty phenomena. What is it about our society that makes me feel embarassed if a tampon fell out of my bag? 

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